Assignment 1 Bconsole

Bconsole Problem/Misunderstanding:

The BConsole has various decelerations for a number of the functions each of which are declared multiple times.  These functions  putChar(), getChar() amongst more, also have multiple instances, but have the same arguements being passed in to the function.

Currently I have not edited any of the functions other than commenting out:


//display UI for user


I have done this because it seems to get into and endless loop somewhere in the program and doesn’t output to anything on the screen.   Also the code above is and endless loop so logically it is the first thing to do. 

After doing this I decided to printout everything and do a walk through,  but my question is how does the program know what instance of setPos or getChar to call.

Any help would be appreciated, and would like to hear from you guys or if anybody found any solutions that would be even better.




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1 Response to Assignment 1 Bconsole

  1. sgrybas says:

    Oh and also I am compiling with “g++ bconsole.cpp console.cpp cio_test.cpp -lncurses -Wno-write-strings”

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